Service provider:
Riesenradplatz 6/1
1020 Vienna

Riesenradplatz 6/1
1020 Vienna
Tel. +43 (0)660 8179732

USt.-ID-Nr.: ATU 70321608
Commercial register number: FN 447646 d

Managing Director:
Thomas Zimmermann

Data protection:
You are possibly asked for personal information. The providing of information is voluntary. The collected information on the ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® Entertainment GmbH Homepage are saved or processed exclusively for the individual support, for the providing of further information or the submission of offers. The ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® Entertainment GmbH assures to handle the information according to the valid data protection guidelines as confidential.

This website was created with greatest possible carefulness. Nevertheless the ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® Entertainment GmbH cannot assure the correctness and accuracy of the containing information. The ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® Entertainment GmbH excludes every liability for damages which are directly or indirectly occurred by the use of this website, as far as this information is not based on intent or gross negligence.

Extern links
Despite of careful, textual control, ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® Entertainment GmbH does not accept any liability for contents of extern links. The operators of the linked websites and pages are exclusively responsible for the content.